Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > there was somthing under my rats neck??

there was somthing under my rats neck??

21 17:36:51

hi my names bailley and i just got a new female pet rat about half a month ago i first noticed the lumb is when i got out of the shower and then i picked it up i did some research but i still do not no what it is but heres the thing only the scab grew and then like 2 days after that the lump waz gone and an indent of a little hole with yellow stuff in it please help me i really want her to live shes my bestfriend.??

It sounds like an abscess.
Put warm compression on it, don't squeeze, pick or rub it.
The yellow stuff is puss, and when that comes DAB warm, wet cloth on it lightly.
Make sure it doesn't get infected if it has discoloration, take it to the vets i.e: purple, dark red, blue or black.
Other than that, she should be okay.
If she is alone, I would recommend you buy her another friend to lengthen her life when she gets old.
Hope I helped!