Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > female or male?

female or male?

21 17:47:33

Hey,I'm 15 years old and considering on getting a pet rat.I've been doing alot of research on both male and female rats but still am not sure about the gender I'm wanting.Males sound like a "lap" pet and like to sit in your lap while a female is more active.Im wanting more of a less active rat,one that will sit in my lap, but im not looking forward to being peed on by a male.Ive also read that the males have more of a stinky smell than females.So which would you recomend for me?

 You're definitely right, males like to generally just laze around, but they do urine mark a bit more and their urine is a bit smellier.  They also tend to be a little less diligent about keeping themselves clean and can grow stinky that way.  They also develop what is called buck grease, an orange greasy substance on their backs which if is caused by hormones.

 Females are smaller than males, more active, and generally cleaner.  They smell a bit less, though still can stink if their cage isn't cleaned enough.  Their fur is softer and not greasy.

 Choosing a male or female rat is really a personal preference.  If you're wanting a pet that lazies around I would suggest a male.  To reduce the negative aspects of a male rat, get him neutered.  It will cut down a lot on marking and buck grease.  I would find a vet in your area who is able to do the procedure and ask how much it would cost; this may be another thing to think about when deciding if you want a male or a female.

 Also, if you choose to get a neutered male, you can always get him a female friend to live with (rats should always be kept in pairs!) and then you'll have the best of both worlds with no accidental litters!

 Good luck with your decision!