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2 day break in antibiotics treatment harmful?

21 17:47:01

Hi Sandra, I have two 9 months old female rats who were put on antibiotics due to an starting  respiratory issue (myco). One is on doxycycline and baytril, and one is on doxy only. the treatment started 3 days ago, and both rats have totally cleared up :). The full treatment cycle will be 21 days and I do understand the importance to give the medicine this full cycle even if the symptoms are gone. My problem is that I am away next weekend (11th and 12th day of antibiotics treatment). Would it be very harmful for them if they have a two day break and after this the treatment is continued for the rest of the period (10 days). I have considered to take them with me, but I am not sure if this is more stressful than helpful. Besides the new environment they would have to live in a travel cage which is smaller than their regular one. I cannot take their normal cage with me. It is a two story ferret nation. Best would be if somebody could give them the medicine during my absence, but the person who normally could do this might be gone too. Your advice is very appreciated. Thank you!

Hi Monica

I see your rats are as spoiled as mine!  I have a 2 story ferret nation too and at first it held 4 males, but unfortunately there is only 1 remaining (he just lost his brother this past Thursday :( and we are also going on vacation but I am bringing the two of them because we will be gone for a week or so.  I have a total of four rats, two are staying behind and my son is going to take care of them and the other  two (that do not live together) are coming with me. They are both "special needs "rats. One is totally blind and the other has just one eye and since he lost his brother  just the other day I dont want to leave him suddenly all week.  I will bring a two story cage for him but he will travel in cat carrier and the blind rat will stay in the cage he is already in     cause I dont want to confuse him by changing cages etc...  Santana will miss the ferret nation, thats for sure!! I love it too, I always tell people to get one if they have the funds. You can even divide it and use the top portion for a pair of rats and the bottom for another pair if for some reason they  dont share living space. It cleans like a dream too.
Ok nuff about that, sorry.... You asked about the medication.
At first I was going to say that it would be a good idea to get someone to medicate the rats but now that I read it again and see that it will be nearly two weeks into treatment, the two day break should be fine.THe medication will be built up real nice in the blood stream at this point.
If your rats are not good travelers and they stress in the carrier etc...and if they have to stay in something really small and you also will be busy doing "vacation things" rather than spending time with them, they probably are better off at home.       I agree with you that the stress would not be helpful and stress causes the immune system to weaken. If they are already trying to recover from an illness, this is not a good thing to have happen.
Hope this helps!