Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Pain in the Penis

Pain in the Penis

21 17:36:53

QUESTION: Pinocchio has something wrong with him.  I noticed him bathing his penis a lot earlier.  Now he's squealing in pain and occasionally licking himself.  (No, he's not pleasuring himself; I know the difference.)  The last time I went to our local emergency vet they told me they don't really do rats, so I think it would be a waste of time to go there and my regular vet isn't opened on Sundays. He has been on SMZ-Tmp Liquid for a week for myco.  (Doxy and Batril weren't helping.)  His lungs are clear, but his nose is congested.  I don't that's related to his current problem, but I thought I should mention it, just in case.

Oh boy....his foreskin is stuck exposing his very tender sensitive glans and this is very painful. It is a condition known as Paraphimosis.  The Rat franticly licks the penis trying to get it to retract back again.  He may squeak in pain due to the fact this is a sensitive area. Swelling may also occur and he may not be able to urinate. We have to somehow find a vet in your area that can see him right away if possible because  
if this persists too long and there are signs of restricted blood flow, this is when it has become an absolute medical emergency,since it can turn into gangrene among other complications if blood flow is restricted.
Its really not that hard for the vet to treat since its not just something rats can get...other animals can get it too. Maybe you can call and let them know what is going on and see if they are willing to treat this?  Tell them exactly what it is that he has (or that I believe he has as per his symptoms)
The vet can simply rub Lidocaine gel on the area and gently retract the skin back to position, usually antibiotics are given to prevent infection but you have that part taken care of since he is on them now. You can also apply neosporin ointment to keep it moist and prevent infection.  

I wish i could tell you to do it for him but I dont think he will let you being he is in pain.  Where do you live? I can try to find a vet that will see him if you need names.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I live in Dayton, Ohio.  I think he'll let me try the neosporin.  He let me pick him up and check him for a blockage.

ANSWER: Dayton.....small world . My hubby was born and raised there and I was born and raised in Youngstown, Ohio area.  We are in Charlotte NC for the last 10 years .

Amyhow check  this link for exotic vets:

Let me know if you can retract does it look??  I havent looked for emergency places till I hear back from you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: When I put the neosporin on, it looked the same.  Now he's lying behind his log, where it's hard to reach him.

THat upsets me...I was told there is no place near that sees any exotics on an emergency basis unless you go to Cincy or Columbus. If your willing to travel, let me know and I can find names but how far is that? 2 hours?  Eeeeep!!! They said that what they do there is once a relationship is established with the exotic vet they usually come in and see the pet since there are no clinics that will see the rats.  Sad sad sad situation.  I wish more vets would care!!!!  How is he now?  Can you possibly give him some childrens motrin? that would help him at least with some discomfort. let me know if you want to try that and if you do, I need to know his weight, or a good guess of it and of course his age in order to dose him so it works on him good.