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Curling Tail

21 17:41:00

Hi,  My Rat Skibbies is about 5 or 6 months old, and I do not have a wheel for my pet rats.  She's been normal up to now but in the past two weeks her tail has started to curl up all the time, like a scorpion.  She's still quick, darts around, and it doesn't seem to bother her, but I'm worried it's going to mess with her spine.  None of my other 3 ratties have that problem, and I've never seen it before.  I've taken rats to an animal chiropracter before, and it seemed to help, but Skibbs is so squiggly I don't know if she'll stay still.  Do you know if this could cause her harm? She's eating well, and she's a hairless.  Also, my other two hairless have great skin, and so does Skibbs, except that it's exceptionally dry.  She drinks water normally.  Is there a certain moisturizer that I can use for her?  THANKS!!!!

Hi Wendy

I would not suggest a chiropractor for rats at all. Their bodies are so complex and rodents are not usually covered in these clinics. An exotic specialist is best to see.
You do not need a wheel for the rat. Not all rats like them and if you dont buy the right wheel they can get hurt badly in them. The ones with the open spokes are dangerous and can pinch toes and tails. Closed wheels are best. A rat wants to come out and run around with his keeper instead, so providing them a safe enclosed area for them to run and play with you   in would benefit her a great deal. Check out my website on how to make a play area using cardboard. The link is on my profile.
As for the tail curling up, often a female will carry it up when she is in heat, which is every 5 days or so.  Some rats will chase their own tail and still others will pick it up and carry it in their mouths, whihc is linked back to  the mother  carrying her pups around.  She sounds like she is acting normal.  :)