Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Swollen Rat Foot

Swollen Rat Foot

21 17:36:42

QUESTION: On 6/19/08, title: Rat's foot swollen, you answered someone's question about a rat's swollen foot, and linked to this image:

That looks exactly like my rat's foot.  It has been swollen for two days now, is large and red, but has no signs of lesions or abcesses (or other bumblefoot issues).  He hasn't been using the foot since, has a limp, and gets upset when we try to examine the foot, but otherwise is moving about okay and running around when we let him out.

Upon examination, we find that there are no obvious fractures, and the swelling only extends from below the knee through the foot.  There may be a small bite mark or other cut somewhere on the upper part of the foot, but it's hard to tell.  Otherwise, the rat is normal (but fat).

What should I do?  Will this heal on its own?

The vets in my area aren't very good, and are only a step above scam artists, so I am very reluctant to take him unless the condition is life threatening.  We have a lot of experience dosing and administering medication to rats, if that helps.

Thank you!

ANSWER: You will need to get him to a vet because this bacteria could spread and cause septicemia.   I will find you a decent vet that is a real exotics vet, just let me know where your located!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Not to be difficult, but I don't think it's worth a vet visit just to get antibiotics.  I have a supply of azithromycin, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, and amoxicillin available.  I usually combine 2 or 3 of them to combat mycoplasma outbreaks the rats have, and do it BID for 3 weeks.  

Is your recommendation antibiotics, and will a 3 week course (as mentioned above) be effective?

Oh heck no, thats not being difficult at all! I get alot of heat when I go along with this but its in the best interest of the rat that he is put on antibiotics and if you prefer to use what you have, I will, by all means, support that.  

I would start with the amoxicillin first for about 3 days and if you do not see any improvement, move on to the cipro.  I dont think he will need to be on it that long (3 weeks) unless its myco were dealing with, which I am pretty sure its more along the lines of a strep or staph bacteria which is why I prefer to start with the amoxil. Its very good with streps. In this case I suggest 10 days. I would also apply Neosporin topical antibiotic ointment several times a day.