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HELP!!! My little rat is sick

21 17:57:14

I just found my pet rat in her tunnel, she lives with two other female rats who are prefectly fine. But she has bites all over here, and she has no energy, we got her out and we have given her lots of water and some cheese (she just nibble it) and that has her moving around more...Is she just sick or can they get this bad because they got beat up or does this sound like something worse? The other two seem good and have been running in the cage all day, she was up running around last night..So I dont know if you can give me some advice please...

It's hard to say... if she doesn't seem sick other than just having the tar beat out of her, the obvious one is, don't put her back in with her cagemates. Keep her separate. I would suggest a vet visit to have them check her out to be sure she isn't having some other issue. Generally, a healthy rat doesn't get whooped by their cagemates unless there is another issue at hand.