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Poor Brents testicles

21 17:41:52

I just rescued a rat from a feeder, he seemed way to nice for the way he was treated and I fell in love with him. He's having a hard time adjusting to my other rats but that's not the problem. My problem is that his poo is a whitish yellow color, smells foul, and seems almost like diarrhea but not quite. he also seems to have rubbed himself raw where his testicles meet to the point where there is chafing.


He is probably stressed beyond imagination and now he has to get used to his new home and new surroundings including the new boys.

You should isolate him from the others (rule of thumb is to quarantine all new rats from existing rats for 3 weeks) and introduce him slowly after he gets used to you first and his new environment.

Meanwhile, once he gets a decent diet going and gets comfy, he should be ok. Try giving him some puffed rice or even cooked rice. Dry oatmeal also helps dry up loose stools. Just a few pinches of dry oats a few times a day will help.  Wipe off his bottom and put some cortisone cream or even a dab of neosporin on the raw area to soothe any scalding he may be suffering from if the stools are burning his tender skin.

Keep his cage close across the room from the other rats (forget quarantine now since he has already been exposed to the other rats) and meanwhile, spend one and one time with him. He should adjust in a week or so. Is he shy?

Check out my website and info on quarantine for next time your sweet enough to fall in love with another rat and save him. :)