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My rat is dying please help me

21 17:22:45

Hi there... I have a rat who is about a year in a half, she is a female... her name is Scooter, cutest little thing. We have her in a glass cage, with 2 other female rats (its a HUGE cage). They use the recycling bedding paper, and they are like familt to us, we let them out and roam the house (with supervision). They follow us around and well this is there house too, lol. Anyways today we noticed she wasn't really moving, had the dark circles (looks like blood but is not) around her eyes, so we know she was under stress, her hair was puffed up, usually when I open her cage she jumps right up, and this time she didn't, so I just automatically knew something was wrong. I have been "nursing" her all day, hand feeding her blueberries (which she loves), water, otter pops (we have had a couple other rats who have been sick and feeding them otter pops, really helped them when they weren't eating or drinking), and she has been snacking on bread, since she will not eat her normal food. I feel horrible for saying this, but I dunno what else to do and whats wrong with her. Usually we would rush her to the vet hospital but at this point we are broke (like nothing to our name) and my husband does not get paid till friday... Honestly the rate she is going I don;t know if she can make it until friday... Look I don't wanna loose her im desperate, do u have any advice for me? I will try anything...
Her symptoms are:
lethagic (sorry if I did not spell that right)
Red crust around her eyes
not able to barely move or feed herself (I have to hand feed her)
Odd oder coming from her
She also has a mammory tumor, just so you know. She has had it for about 3 months, and it is slowly growing bigger
She is eating a little less, still eating but not like normally

Please if you have any advice please let me know.

Thank you

It could vary well the the tumor taking its tole on her. I cant predict if she will make it until Friday but if she does take her to the vet and ask about them removing it. Continue what you are doing and hope for the best!

Good luck!

Emily Harris