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ill or depressed rat

21 17:34:18

hi Sandra, we have a female rat called spice (2yrs 3 months), she lost her little friend (often slept separate but had been togther all their lives)just before christmas. 3 weeks following her death we have found 2 small mammary tumors (she had full bill of health at time of sugars death) . After reading your info on lupron we have decided to get them removed and use a similar drug which will inplanted at same time (the vet got info from a professor in edingburgh uni). However spice does not appear to be herself, she does not seem to want to come out and refusing her little treats but is eating her dinners. Today she is hiding behind my curtains but at night she will run about as usual, often trying to get out of the room(makes me wonder if she is looking for sugar) The vet has given her full check-chest clear, no red staining in eyes and nose. She has had 2 visits to the vet which traumatise her, dont want to put her through op if she is not well enough. Do rats pine or could her behaviour be due to vets visit or do you think she is ill.


First of all, I am sorry for your loss...I had a Sugar at one time too. She was pure white like sugar and had the most beautiful pink eyes that you could see through. I used to call her "lite brite eyes"!  

That said, yes, rats are super sensitive to trauma and stress when they lose their beloved cage mate is fairly common. They deal with it in different ways, from acting a bit withdrawn for a bit to simply taking their loss so badly that they stress to the point their immune system fails and they fall ill. Once ill, they seem to lose the will to live and refuse to fight, which sadly I have seen and lost some rats like this, mostly male rats, believe it or not. She could be acting strange because of both the Vet visit and also she may be confused about
Sugars absence. Do you plan on getting more rats for her to live with? If so, I usually suggest getting two younger rats so they can have each other to play with so they dont annoy the older rat etc...

Has Spice had the surgery yet?  If not, its important you let the vet know how she is acting just to have him aware her behavior has changed.  It probably isnt due to illness and is due to stress, but just to be safe I would mention it.  

Also, can you tell me the name of the drug that the vet is using? I am interested in knowing and also if you can please keep me updated on her progress and how the method used to prevent new tumor growth works. I always get excited to hear about new ways to help our rats, although I suggest spaying females early around 3 to 5 months old, is the best prevention, although unfortunately spaying does not go without risks which is why its wise to have the most experienced vet. Sounds like your vet is totally on the ball with Spice, and that makes me happy to hear!

Hope to hear back from you soon!