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Old age or sick?

21 17:53:55

My pet rat Rufus is reaching about three years old. The pats few days she has been acting a bit different. She isn't as happy about food as she used to be, I can hold a piece of fruit in front of her and she pushes it away instead of grabbing and running like she used to. She isn't as aggressive with the other rats as she used to be, she just sits and stares into space like she is bored. She was overweight but I have noticed a slight change in her weight the past few days. She still wanders around a bit and she is having no balance problems or breathing problems. She just seems not as interested in life like she used to be. The other four rats look great, still active and happy, she just ignores them now. I just want to be sure that she isn't ill and it's just age catching up to her. Thanks for your help!

Hi Rebecca

Sweet Rufus is a grand old lady!

When rats get older, they do slow down and a normally active rat will start spending more time sleeping and cuddling when out for for playtime with you. This is the time when we usually start to notice aging, especially when our old girls crawl up on our laps and want to cuddle and sleep on our laps!!

However, it does sound like she may have a problem going on since you have noticed weight loss. Any weight loss that is not intentional should be noticed and evaluated right away.

Two main causes of weight loss in seniors is usually attributed to either kidney or heart disease. It would be worth it to see a vet just to be safe and the good news is both diseases can be treated with medication. I have had rats with heart disease and kidney disease live happily until they were close to 4 years old many times so now I never really say a rat is old...age is just a number.

Also, if you do not have a vet that is skilled with rats, let me know and I can help you find  one....if not for now, for in the future.

Hope this helps!
