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My skinny rat

21 17:09:03

Hello i am 11 turning 12 on July 23 going to 7 th grade and i wanted to know about my rat, she is about 2-3 months old and when i got her she was slim and a month later being with her she has lost too much weight and now she is skinny and she eats as much as my other rat that is just perfect weight and she does act the same as always and my full question is "why is my rat way to skinny"? thank you so much for reading my question and i hope you know a solution to my rats weight.

Every rat is  built different. Some are more petite than others.  However, you may be using the wrong diet on your rats. You may not know this but rats live much longer than the predicted 2 years if they are fed a low protein diet. High protein diets cause their kidneys to fail as they get older which causes early death for them.  A bad diet is just not good for any living thing and the foods sold at pet stores to the public are not good diets for rats.  Please go to my website, and check out the page on diets for rats. Its not expensive to follow and your rats will be much healthier in the long run.

Also, your rat may have a problem you do not know about such as worms. If once she is on a good diet she continues to lose weight, she should see a vet that knows about rat care.