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Rat with possible pituitary tumor

21 17:01:10

Hi, I have a female dumbo rat who's almost 2 years old and im pretty positive she has a pituitary tumor. I took her to the vet a few weeks ago and they diagnosed her with an inner ear infection because she had a very severe head tilt. She was on amoxicillin and baytril, as well as meclizine and meloxicam. She did improve pretty quickly, however, within the past week i have noticed that she has been losing her coordination more and she is clumsy with her front paws. She also has strange mood swings and looks upset and lethargic and then runs around in circles the next. She also falls off anything that she crawls on and isnt very careful. I looked up the symptoms of a pituitary tumor and i understand that she shows most of the symptoms. I am giving her prednisolone and the meclizine too still...I would take her to the vet again but im afraid they will just tell me what i already know..My question is,  is there anything i can do to make her more comfortable? I know these tumors are fatal as well. And i dont want her to suffer but i cant tell when i should put her to sleep either...I appreciate any insight you might have to my situation :/


I am so sorry that your little rat is going through this. I also have information on my site, about PTs and it does sound as if she has one. However I dont suggest putting her down until she loses her will to live.  You will know. Once she no longer wants to be bothered and just sits all alone and cannot eat and swallow (you may have to assist her with food, offer her baby food to lick rather than her having to struggle) when she can no longer drink her water bottle etc...and becomes unhappy and weak, that is when I would let her go.  Its a hard decision but trust will know in your heart when its time. Be sure your vet knows how to put a rat to sleep, too.  There are many vets that really do not follow proper procedure.  I am sorry to have such sad, grim news. :(