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my baby rats

21 17:53:19

QUESTION: hi again, they actually kind of do like the wheel now.  Even the person that worked at the pet store told me not to buy the cedar stuff.  my rats are eating more now, I think shes getting better.  can i feed them cheerios?

ANSWER: Oh I forgot, cheerios are fine, the plain kind. Mine adore them.

I am glad she is getting better!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Im so afraid I just saw a red line in a drop of pee.  It looks like blood.  actually it might have been a line of plastic but still.

She is on antibiotics right?  Porphyrin is also found in the urinary tract and the uterus (which is how they get it from birth) and so if she isnt well, she would probably be having some porphyrin staining there too. If it is blood it may be a urinary tract infection but as long as she is on the meds she should get better.