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rat itches

21 17:35:18

this morning i noticed my rat is losing hair under its ears and has like sores and lil black dots what could it be

Probably mites. You never see the bug; just the aftermath (the fussiness, scratching at himself, hair loss, etc.). I'd say either go to the vet and have them confirm this and give you some oral ivermectrin, or look into home methods of getting rid of mites. The tried and true method around my household is to obtain some horse paste ivermectrin (found at any tack shop) and to give your rat (IF it is an adult and of "normal" size - NOT a dwarf or a baby under 8 weeks!) the equivilant of a grain of rice. No more!

You can redose in two weeks.

Safest thing (and probably the easiest, taking all the guess work out of it) would be to see a vet however.