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injured rat!!!

21 17:29:33

k so i have two female rats.. one is a large and the other is a medium.. i wanted to breed them so i bought another medium size rat cause the girls would get along just fine and i figured they would be fine with a new cage mate.. but last night the large rat attacked the boy and left a gash by his eye and a HUGE deep cut on his neck!!! i mean you can see the veins and muscles!! i have no money to go to a vet and i love this little boy.. please tell me what i can do!!!?? i have taken him out of the cage cause he is terrified evev=n of the nice rat... poor little boy :(  he likes to snuggle with me so im holding him as much as i can.. but how can i save his life and get him back to health!!!?? thank you for your help!

Is he bleeding?  

He needs stitches if he is still bleeding.  

What you can do though is shave the fur best you can and clean the wound well, apply a butterfly bandaid to get it to close best you can, and put a small wrap around it using the non stick bandages to keep it clean.  

I do feel compelled to say this though.....why are you going to breed esp if you cannot afford vet care for the rat that was injured?  

Rats need to see the vet at least once in their lifetime, for illness or injury and you plan on bringing in more rats when you cant really pay to provide medical care for the ones you have.

I hate to say this because I know every time I do, the person gets uspet with me, resorts to name calling and end up getting banned from here, so please dont think I am getting on your case.  I just think maybe you haven't really thought about it really yet, but you can end up with up to 18 babies, and if you do not know anything about the health and genetics of the rats your breeding, this could mean breeding rats that are not healthy, prone to cancer or other ailments, and we all know there are already tons of unwanted rats in this world that need homes and sit in shelters till they are put to sleep rather than being able to find a happy forever home.  The only reason to breed is to try to produce a more healthy line of rats rather than the sickly rats that so many rat owners end up having, esp pet store rats, which you are using and of course pet store rats are bred and inbred like crazy.

I would just really consider it first.  With the ecomony the way it is and again, you already said you cant afford a vet for the little boy rat, it may be too much to handle for you and wont be fair to you or the babies.