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Rat loss of appetite, sneezing, sometimes falling down

21 17:16:38

My rex rat, Cyril, has had a history of respiratory infections. He choked on some food over nine months ago and has hard a hard time recovering. We just got the information that we should give him the Baytril for 30 days instead of what the vet told us, which was for two weeks.
Lately, Cyril has been less active and doesn't move around too much. He doesn't eat a lot and has been having fits of sneezing and doesn't want to be taken out from  his cage. I also noticed his back paw gave out when he was having a sneezing fit. I know that can not be good.

1. When we take him to the vet, should we get any xrays done and if we do, what particular type? Will any show the conditions of his lungs? Or distinguish what is wrong with him?

2. How can my vet distinguish between hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and mycoplasmosis?

3. Any other advice?


For starters, I would not stress the rat with X-rays.  Your vet should be skilled enough to hear lung congestion.

As for the vet knowing the difference between cardiomyopathy and myco, well, I am hoping he or she would know that the major difference is, one is an enlargement of the heart and myco of course is an organism that causes infection, such as respiratory infection, otitis media and uterine infections in females.  Mycoplasmosis, if not treated properly, can relapse and the second time around can be much worse, often causing pneumonia.  Your vet should also of course know the difference between pneumonia and an enlarged heart as well.  X-rays would show lung scarring and also the size, shape, and placement of the heart in the chest cavity, but again, I would try aggressive antibiotics first before stressing him with X-rays.  If this is respiratory related, which it does sound like it is, he really should be kept on baytril for the rest of his life if this is a relapse.  
In fact, let me you trust your current Vet?  Its important that you do, and it seems that you have serious doubts about him, especially since your worried he or she may not know the difference between heart disease and a respiratory infection.
Check your rats extremities: The bottom of his back feet, his testicles if he is intact and even his muzzle. Do you notice a blue or purple tinge to them? Is he breathing heavy? Is he hanging his head over the ledge/shelves of his cage?

How old is he?

Try offering him baby foods, stage one, since there is alot of fluids in this, and it will also keep him hydrated too.

If you   would like names of vets in your area even for a second opinion, please let me know your location and I would happily give you names, no obligation of course.  Also if you would like, make our follow up PRIVATE and let me know the name of the vet  you currently use if you would like me to research his or her credentials.  This is strictly confidential if we are private.  

hang in there!