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21 17:19:13

Hello.  From reading allexperts answers to other questions my question is more basic but I have done some looking around on the internet and there is just a wealth of info and some contrasting answers so I thought I'd ask an expert.  I just bought my first rat and it is not full grown but not a baby either.  It seems shy and scared and from research I know that I should purchase a second rat to keep it company.  So I have several questions.  My rat is scared and has bitten me a couple times and I'm not sure how to remedy this situation.  Some sites said to feed it food treats which I did but then when I let my pet smell my fingers without food, she bit me.  I'm not sure if she thought they were food or maybe she was being territorial.  Which brings me to my question of how best to remedy this? How can I get her used to me and tame her without sticking my hands in her "territory" or offering her treats?  I read to use a soft brush to pet her and I tried this but she bit the brush pretty hard, again I don't know if she thought it was food or a threat but either way it didn't seem like progress.  Also, if she is territorial, how do I 1. spot clean her cage without her feeling threatened and bite, and 2. totally clean her cage because I know she will be very frightened if I try to remove her from the cage.  I also read to maybe wear gloves to try to pet her but it seems like she will feel just as threatened.  I also read to force myself on her and hold her for a while to try to get her used to me, but this seems like it will just frighten her more!  I am planning on buying another rat soon and I'm going to do some research to try to get a rat that has been tamed/socialized unlike this rat which was bought from Petco, so hopefully that rat will help tame my current pet.  Do think as long as I buy another female rat about the same size (since I don't know my rat's age) that they will get along?  I plan on totally cleaning the cage before putting them together so nothing has been scent marked.  So basically I'm just looking for advice on how to socialize my rat without forcing myself on her or entering her territory.  I know it is important to spend time with them and interact but how can I do this if it doesn't include feeding her treats, forcing myself on her, and not entering her territory?  Thanks so much, I'm really glad I found someone to answer specific questions for me!!  Shellie Steffen

Hi there

You do not in any way want to force yourself on your rat.  That sounds like someone I know that refers to herself as this huge expert but had better get with the program. Thats a good way to have the rat fear you for good.

Please check out my site on how to trust train rats. I have trained a wild female rat that bit the living daylights out of me and after a week she became the sweetest rat ever.

Here is the URL to my website