Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > mices


21 17:21:38


I have two mices? One is boy and one girl.  Is raising mice like dogs.  You can name them and they listen.  You can take them walk and they follow and you called them and they come running to you.  Can you tell me what is the best names for my two mices?  Where can I get it the best stuffs for it.  



ANSWER: Are the mice together?   If so, you will not have just two mice, you will end up with 20 mice or more.

Anyhow, as for them acting like dogs, mice are not as obedient as dogs like rats are.

Rats learn to come when you call and come running when you call their names but mice are more timid.

How old are your mice?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: probably some months?  can I call them and take them outside like dogs?

No you cannot take them outside like dogs. they are too small. They will run away from you and get lost in something small where you cannot reach them.  Birds can swoop down and get them.

They need to be kept in a cage and when you take them out to play with them they need to be kept in an area where they wont run away from you and become lost in your house where you may never find them again.

Do you have the boy and girl together in the same cage?  What do you feed your mice?

Are they mice or rats? Reason I ask is because this is a pet rat site, not a site for mice even though I know a bit about mice as well, I am a rat expert not a mouse expert.

These animals are small and fragile and live to be about 2 years old. THey are not like dogs, they are rodents that are timid and delicate.   

Do you already have a dog? If not, maybe you should have a dog rather than mice, this way you can do all the things you want to do with a real dog rather than expect a tiny fragile mouse to behave in a way they do not understand.