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Why did my rat die???

21 17:09:22


About and hour ago, I found my 2 year old pet rat Templeton dead in his enclosure. I was very upset, and took him out and put him in a box, to bury him soon. I know he was acting strange the past few days, and was obviously sick. He had red discharge circled around his left eye. He had labored breathing, but was eating and drinking well. His stools were absolutely fine. I nursed him the first day I found out he was sick. Did he die from a sickness, or just from an old age?

I am sorry your rat died.  He was only 2 so no, he did not die from old age. If he were over 3, I would say possibly, but you just described to me a sick rat when you mentioned he had porphyrin discharge around his eyes and labored breathing.  I am going to say your rat died from a respiratory infection, possibly pneumonia, that could have easily been cured had you taken him to the vet and had him treated as soon as he had any signs of illness.

Please read my site, and learn about rat illnesses so next time you will be able to recognize when your rats are sick and take them for treatment promptly.

Also, please let me know your location and I can give you names of vets that are qualified to treat your rats should they need treatment, which is almost always the case when you  own any pet.