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Neck Injury

21 17:22:45


I have a friend who owns a pet rat. He had been on vacation and when he got back he opened the cage to take her out. She was sleeping and she got scared. She fell down a higher part in her cage and landed on her neck. She is still walking around and eating normally but her head is tilted. Any advice? Can this heal on its own or is important to take her to the vet?

Thanks for listening!


I would take her to the vet, but  If you gave it a day or two and it still was tilted I would take her to the vet, also, she may have an inner ear infection in which needs to be treated. he may not have know she had it until he came home and that could be why she has a tilt, not the fall.
Have the vet check her out.

Good Luck!

Emily Harris