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Protrusion of Oscars Eye....

21 17:22:10

My sons rat, Oscar, who is about 2.5 years old, is having difficulty walking around his cage. I have to hold the water bottle to him so that he can reach and drink from it. I filled his food bowl and have been waiting to see if he is eating. His left eye is protruding out of his socket. I am very worried. This happened a few months ago, and I thought it was from one of our cats climbing atop his cage and fleas maybe getting in there and irritating him. We gave him a bath in dawn dish detergent and moved him into a room where the cats were blocked from. What is causing this to happen and what should I do about it? I have become attached to the little guy and am upset b/c I do not know what to do to help him. I cannot tell if he is in any pain...I look forward to your response. Thank you.

He needs to see a vet right away. part of me wants to say he has an inner ear infection, but he could have a tumor on the base of his brain, called a pituitary tumor.  He could have an abscess behind his eye as well. Any inflammation in that area could cause pressure on the 8th cranial nerve and cause the balance to be disturbed.  He may have even had a stroke.  Its just too hard to focus on one thing without an exam in person. No matter what, the vet can help him. Even if its a brain tumor, he doesnt need put to sleep right away. The vet can help make him comfortable.

Please let me know your location and I will give you names of good vets that see rats. Is he eating ?
Holding his food with his front paws?