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Hairless Rat - Breathing Issue

21 17:43:42

I have 2 female pet hairless rats that are about 5 or 6 weeks old.  When we got them about a week ago they were both fine...runing around, eating & drinking normally.  About 3 days ago she one rat started breathing heavily & each day it seems to be getting worse.  She's walking around a little but is not at all the way she was a few days ago.  She also seems to be having a hard time drinking & eating.  I've been trying to give her water either by a dropper or just off my finger.  Do you have any idea what this could be?

Hi Lisa

It sounds like she has a respiratory tract infection probably from mycoplasmosis.

What kind of litter/bedding do you use for them?

You will need to get her to a vet right away. Do you have an exotic vet for your rats? If not, let me know and I will be happy to help you find one.