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rat urinating on me!

21 17:34:13

i bought a rat who is in his juivinille stages of his life.  he has been peeing on me and only me for as long as i've had him,  idk wtf is goin on.  i didn't mind it when he was younger, but now hes peeing a lot on me.  its getting a little out of control.  what does this mean, and how can i stop it without makeing him mad at me.  


stinky rat owner

Well since peeing little trails on you is a sign of possession and pretty much all rats do it; there isn't really a way to stop it that I'm comfortable with. Sure, you could probably scare him into quitting, but that just isn't nice - he just loves you!

If he's urinating huge puddles, perhaps you can be sure to put him in his cage for bathroom breaks routinely? When you notice him 'pottying' in the cage, give him a yummy treat and allow him back up on your shoulder or in your pocket, etc. .. it may take some work, but potty training can be done.