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Tailless Rat.

21 17:27:31

I bought my rat just over a month ago & she has no tail. I have recently found out that there is a breed of rats without tails but i am unable to get any information on them. I ask the Shop Keeper of the shop i got her from he he said he hadn't even relished she didn't have a tail. It doesn't appear to have been cut of or anything like that so i presume she was just born without. I was wondering however if you'd be able to give me any advice because no were i have been to has been able to advice me...
All i really want to no is will she have any limitations? With things like swimming and climbing.
& will it be safe to pair her with a rat with a tail without her being rejected?

Thank you x


Tailess rats are born with no tail vertebrae and have modified sacral or lower lumbar vertebrae.

Since the rat's tail helps to regulate its body temperature, the tailless rat does not lose heat as well as tailed rats do so they can become over heated much faster than the tailed rat.  This should be kept in mind esp during summer months. Ideally, these rats should be kept in air conditioned rooms during summer months.

They are said to have great personalities but may also have some bladder problems and may be prone to bladder stones. So basically the over all health risks MAY include the following:
Since the tail is vital for rats' balance he may fall from heights easier and is a poor climber and swimmer.  As stated earlier, tailless rats have greater risk of heat exhaustion, poor bowel and bladder control, and may be prone to bladder stones. They may also be at risk for deformities in the pelvic region like hind leg paralysis although this is often seen in elderly rats, esp males. I have one now with it and he has a nice fat long tail.

That said, I must add that it is a good idea to never allow her to mate since the fact she is tailless means she has genetic mutation.  If she were to mate with a tailed rat, there may be a slew of problems.  I am sure though that you already know not to breed rats that you know nothing about their genetic back ground anyhow, this is jsut a heads up to other readers just in case they think it would be a cool thing to get a tailess rat and breed it. I have heard of the mutation going to bad the rats are born without legs and all sorts of horrible horror stories.  

Long story longer, she should get along great with her same sex cage mates.  She may not be a good swimmer or a fast climber but she is still deserving of being loved and in a happy forever home. It wasnt her choice to be born without a tail. Frankly I dont like the fact that these rats were "mutated" to satisfy people that like rats but have a tail fetish and fear the rats tail. I think that is ridiculous that breeders have learned how to create a rat without its tail just to make a buck and make the appeal to the ignorant individual that fears their tail. THat irks me to no end! Sorry for the rant! LOL

Anyhow I bet she is adorable and I am sure she will be just fine. Its a good idea to make sure you have a good board certified exotic vet handy for future use and its best to secure one before there is a real need.

if you need help finding one, please let me know and I will find one for you!