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My rat is acting weird

21 17:36:52

I had a rat three monthsago and she started acting wierd.She walk like she was blind. Her back legs would drag behind her.We would get her out and feed her own selfs because in the cage she wouldn't get up herself to eat or get a drink of water. If you aren't petting her will she wadles around she starts going in a cirle acting like shes blind..I have had this new rat for a month and she is going thriugh the exact same thing..i can't tell for shure if shes blind...does she maybe have a tumor..Please help!!

 When a rat drags its back legs it usually is caused by a spinal injury, brain tumor, head injury, or other neurological disorder.  Most rats with such an affliction are euthanized due to a poor quality of life.

 If your new rat is doing this it certainly is cause for alarm.  Circling can be a result of neurological problems or even something as simple as an inner ear infection.  Either way, a visit to the vet is definitely in order.  Your vet will be able to have a better idea of the cause of the problem and will let you know whether or not it can be treated.  I hope everything turns out well for her, good luck!