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Difficulty Breathing

21 17:16:18

I just purchased a pair of female rats a week and a half ago. The one is active and normal, but the other seems timid and typically withdrawn. The last few nights she has began to have trouble breathing or something. She will make a clicking noise in her throat and then ever once in a while let out an enormous squeak. It's heart wrenching. At first I thought she may have gotten something stuck in her throat, but as it occurs only at night, and she seems just fine during the day (eats and drinks normally, etc), I think it must be her breathing. She can obviously still breath, it just seems so strange and/or labored. I haven't noticed any blood or mucous around her eyes and nose. I'm fairly unexperienced with rats and don't know if this is anything serious. (I've read about a probable Mycoplasma infection, but I really don't know.)

As I just got them, and I can't afford a large vet bill, I am thinking of returning her to the pet store, where they have assured me that they will give her medical attention. This is a last resort however, because I hate to deprive my other ratty of her companion, not to mention my children are already attached, however, I want to be sure she receives further care if needed. I would like to be sure that this is something requiring vet attention before I take her back, as I don't think there is a possibility of repurchase after she is cared for. Please help!


Some pet stores will do what they say PLUS return the pet back to you after she is treated since it is within the two week time frame they allow for their "guarantee"   Other pet stores are not so honest and your rat, who was once content with the fact she was someones pet, will find itself in the jaws of a snake, being that the pet store had no intentions of putting one dime into a rats medical bill regardless what they tell the customer.  To them,  the customer returned the rat and thats that, period.  

She more than likely has a respiratory infection that could easily be treated with antibiotics. I cant tell  you what to do, of course, and I do know how money is tight for everyone with the exception of the very overpaid movie stars etc... (with the exception of good music, there is always room for good musicians:) but truthfully, I would see what you can do about getting her to a qualified vet OR tell the pet store you will take her to the vet that they use and treat her yourself at home. I would not trust them.

Please read my website, for all the info you need on proper rat care and ideas on how to make a play area for the rats so they can have a safe place to play and room enough for the kids to sit in on the fun too.  Always stress to the children that, during play time, they must watch where they walk, sit and stand rats can get under foot in a heart beat!