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weird lump

21 17:59:38

I've had many rats over the years, and have just noticed something on my male that I've never seen before.  He's had a small hard bump on his belly I've been watching.  This last couple days it has changed and opened and has some hard whitish stuff inside of it.  What in the heck is it?  

Not to panic, this sounds very much like a sebaceous cyst in the early stage, mostly found on male rats because of the "Buck Grease" that they produce due to Testosterone production. The more macho he is, the more Testosterone he produces, the more grease (oil) builds up in the oil glands. The lump is full of a white cheesy material with a scab over it, right? Harmless but unsightly. You can either opt for surgery and have it drained or you can do it yourself because it is small and soft. E-mail me again if you want to DIY, it's kinda gross for the squeamish, like squeezing a pimple, and you may want private instructions.
