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Allergies to rats

21 17:59:43

I just purchased a male and female rat. Everytime I come in contact with them ( I cant tell if it is the contact or the smell of their cage) I begin having weird symptoms. I will have a tightening feeling in my head and stiff feeling in the back of my neck. It's not painful, just bothersome and last for awhile. Is this a symptom of an allergy

Hello Marri,
it sounds like you actually may be allergic to your rats. If you can't deal with the allergy you may have to go a doctor and see if there is anything that you could take for the allergy or you may have to give them up. I'm really allergic to a lot of pet animals and I have to take an allergy pill everyday to control my allergies. I love animals too much so I guess it's something I have to suck up and take lol. :-) Sometimes your body will adjust to the allergy and develop an immunity. I hope your allergy gets better.