Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > a big lump

a big lump

21 17:11:53

my rat has a large bump on her two front legs.she is only 2 years and 2 months and my brother don't know what to do i think we should take her to a vet and my step dad disagrees so i don't know what to do how ever i was thinking you know what to do

She needs a vet, but ONLY a vet that knows what they are doing when it comes to rats. They are not easy to find.  Let me know your location and I will help you find a vet that is qualified to see rats.  This lump can be easily removed.  It is a mammary tumor and this is common in rats her age.  Read and refer to the page on tumors for all the info you need on them.