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Lump on Toffee

21 17:40:36

Oh Sandra. I had Toffee out last night and have noticed a lump under her front leg. Im distraught. She is off to the vets on Friday. Can you give me any advice??


oh geeze

How old is she?

Have you looked over my site on mammary tumors? When did you notice it? Did it just pop up? It MAY be an abscess. Templeton had a lump on his chest for three weeks and I just kept ignoring it because he is 3.5 years old and I guess I didnt want to face it that it was probably cancer since (A) he is a male and (B) it was really hard. Well it dawned on me it was growing fast which could be good news so I fought him like mad (he is the grump) and used one of my clinic tricks ( I put jam or the flavoring we use for meds on my chin) and he licked my chin while I inspected the lump on his chest with a magnifying glass and I was so happy I found a dab of necrotic tissue (the scab we see in the middle of an abscess) and so I gave it a push and blosh!  Pus city!
Yippiee.  Never in my life have I been excited over pus!  LOL
So....lets hope Toffee has an abscess....but I do want you to look over the page on my site on tumors and your options after surgery.

I forget your vet good?