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diseases rats may transmit to humans

21 17:51:56

Hi!  We recently bought a Fancy Rat for our daughter for her 12th birthday.  She wanted a hamster, but I've "been there done that" and refused....they bite, etc.  She adores the rat, very sweet, friendly loves to crawl all over her neck and hair.  She now has 2 raised flattish bumps (sometimes itchy) on her shoulders, and my first thought was "RAT!".  I read that ringworm is transferable, but it doesn't have the telltale "ring" (I've seen that before).  Any ideas?
Thank you!

Hi Kelly

Chances the rat gave her ringworm are there, but its slim but are there. However, we can spread the ringworm to the rat easier than they can to us.

Check the rat over very well good light for any oddities on his/her skin.  You will be looking pretty much for classic signs of ringworm since it does have the telltale ring almost like what you find on humans. It is seen in the right light plain as day. What you are looking for is scaly, oval shaped lesions that has crusty edges and you may also see patchy hair loss in those areas too. This is most often seen on the neck and back and also the base of tail in rats, but can also be found on other places too!
Treatment is as easy as pie, using an antifungal cream containing clotrimazole and those types of creams are over the counter.Just a dab goes a long way, and keep the rat busy for a bit so it absorbs because soon as he gets the chance he will lick it right off!!
If you seek a vet, they will probably put the rat on oral antifungals but usually the topical treatment works just fine.
Are you treating your daughters rash now?  You can buy the same thing for her too, any antifungal is fine since ringworm is just that...a fungus,like athletes foot. I never did get why they call it ringworm when no worm is involved?

Anyhow...You will be happy to know that this is the only thing that is transferred between pet(rat) and human. We cant give our rats colds or flus and vice verse. Also this will really make you happy (and I am sure people that dont understand rats my bring this up to you and that is RABIES!)  There has never been a documented case of rabies being transmitted between rat and human, ever. Mainly because the rat is so tiny, if he is attacked by a rabid animal, the rat will not survive the attack long enough to incubate and pass the virus.
I figure you may be a bit worried, since I can detect some worry about the rat and the ringworm in your message and I wanted to put any fears to rest. There is alot of misinformation out there about what rats can catch from humans, such as strep throat which is not true. Rats cannot catch strep throat from humans although one deadly form of pneumonia caused by strep can kill the rat in less than 12 hours, but the strain of strep is not the same as the type of strain that causes strep throat.

I am glad you got the rat for your daughter rather than the hamster. Hamsters are not nearly as intelligent as rats nor do they bond to their human like rats. Rats can be easily litter trained too which makes keeping their cage clean a breeze. Rats are very social animals though and should be kept in pairs (just what you wanted to hear, huh? LOL!!) IN fact, a rat with a cagemate is much happier and happy rats mean healthier since being depressed can compromise the immune system.
I would think about a second rat (same sex of course) for the rat you have for your  daughter now.  I know, smack me later for that one.  LOL

Seriously though, if she indeed has ringworm (either of them, the rat or the daughter) treating it is easy and should be done fast to avoid spreading...but also make sure she washes her hands before and after touching rattie which truthfully is a habit that should be practiced no matter if ringworm is involved or not. If you see any rash on rattie, clean the cage well and wash any washables such as hammocks hot water. Wash towels and your daughters linen too which you probably already have done.  Just common sense things which I am sure you are aware of.

Meanwhile, good luck and feel free to contact me any time!!