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Rat tail looks very injured, black, etc...

21 17:45:30

Hi, While I was away, my boyfriend was cleaning out our ratties cage, and he said when he picked the cage up, it must've fell on one of our rats, Loki. I finally saw her today, and he said it's been getting worse. I've read a lot of different things, and I'm not sure what to do. Her tail has two purple scabs on it, and the last inch and a half of her tail is purple, and very cold. It has two dents in it, like its broken (I'm not sure) But its very disturbing to me, from where the cage mustve got her. I'm not sure if its going to fall off, and I feel horrible for not being able to see her sooner. Shes eating fine, and doesn't flinch when its touched, I'm not sure she can feel it, but I'm worried it may be painful just by the looks of it. I'm not sure if its going to fall off, and I already have a payment plan for my vet which is really racked up.  Do you think it is going to fall off? She isnt chewing, biting, or licking it, and goes on as normal. Do you think its painful? Please help.

Hi Rebecca

A rats tail is an extension of their vertebrae.It is loaded with nerves and made from bone.
Due to the mass amount of nerve endings, injuries to the tail are very painful to the rat. Rats are made to deal with pain and handle it without showing how much it hurts. This stems from their wild ancestors that have to be tough in the wild since they are on the bottom of the food chain and one of the most sought after to be some other animals lunch.  Showing signs of weakness will get them killed and this spills over as part of our domestic rats personality trait too.

I would make an appointment with the vet as soon as you can. The dark part of the tail sounds like necrotic tissue. If infection sets in the tail may need amputated. This can be avoided with early intervention by a vet. He may just give her antibiotics but chances are if it gets worse the tail may need clipped down. It cannot be wrapped since their tail regulates their body temp.

If anything else, she should at least be given pain medication during the healing process.