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Mouth Abscess

21 17:19:11

I have a rat that is about a 1.5years old, a few months ago he got an abscess on his mouth at the corner of his lip in the space between his nose and eye. He was treated with 0.3cc baytril suspention(hes about a 1.5 pounds), and had some of the fluid drained through a needle providing a drainage hole. This went away within a week and I thought nothing major of it. Now it has happened again only on the other side of his mouth; I cant think of what the problem is. The abscess and swelling is not near his molars, his mouth doesnt smell, and his front teeth look fine. The vet wont be back until Wednesday but the exam and treatment for last visit was 100$. I was able to extract some fluid using a needle normally used to give diabetics medication but he only tolerated that for so long(and unfortunately it didnt stay open so I could drain it). What might you think is the cause and best treatment? He's on 0.3cc baytril right now and the swelling has gone down a little, he'll be going to the vet but I hope to have some better questions to ask her.

Thank you,
Kelcie K.

Cape Cod, MA

Can you submit a photo?  You can attach here on the message.   Also, I dont like baytril for infections like this. The better drug would be something more along the lines of a sulfa such as
Trimethoprim-sulfa. This is able to penetrate through the exudate and attack the bacteria causing the local infection.  Was there any odor?