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Molly rat with suspected zymbals gland tumour

21 17:29:14

thanks for all your previous help, Sandra. Molly's lump by her ear has stayed the same. Her breathing is a lot better on the medication I wrote you last time but she has had diarrhea for the last few days, poor thing. Could that be the prednisone? Or maybe too much medication at once.These wonderful animals seem to have taken over my life, and they are my sons pets!! Rosie & Lucy are very well after their ops.We need to visit family in the UK in April ( we live in the south of France) and I am already worrying about leaving Molly even though our kennels are very good with rats

Sounds like things are getting better!!

What is causing the loose stools is the antibiotics. They can destory the good bacteria (gut bacteria) so to prevent this, you can help replace the good bacteria by feeding her something the contains lactobacillus, which in this case would be to look for yogurt with "live active cultures," since they contain Lactobacillus.