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stinky breath ?

21 17:26:52

QUESTION: my rat has either stinky breath or a stinky nose. it almost resembles a fart smell. he sneezes a lot so he always has mucus around his nose. is this smell an infection, mucus, or bad breath?

ANSWER: Usually odor like that means infection. However, what does his diet consist of and how old is he?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He eats a lot of people food. mainly corn.  and he is a year in a half.  his breath didn't start stinking until a couple of months ago and I haven't really changed his diet.

Sounds like its coming from his stomach.   There is entirely too much protein and fat in human grade food.  Some vegetables and fruits are ok, but rats have different needs than people do so if he eats lots of hamburgers and fries, he may be a happy rat, but not a healthy one!

Please check out my website for ideas on foods you can feed him so he can have a nutritionally sound diet.

How old is your rat?