Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My Rats head is perminitly turned to the side?

My Rats head is perminitly turned to the side?

21 17:57:20

her head is turned to the side and is sneezin quite frequently and is turning the direction her head is faceing.what is wrong with her and what can i do?????is this comon disease or bone disorder?

Your rat has an inner ear infection which causes head tilt.
Is she walking in circles or falling over? This is common to since they lose their balance. It is caused usually by a mycoplasma bacteria which is common among rats and she is sneezing due to probably an upper respiratory infection that probably went to her ears. She will need a vet that is experienced with rats and she will be given liquid antibiotics and something for the inflammation in the inner ear which is why your rat is  tilting....the pressure from the swelling and infection is making her off balance.
She will not recover without professional medical attention but once she is on medication, she will improve although it takes a few weeks, even months, for the head tilt to improve 100 percent. In severe cases it never goes away totally but they still live normal lives, with an extra little cute head tipping to the side like she is always listening to you. :-)

If you need help finding a vet in your area that sees exotics/rats, let me know where your location is and I will find someone right away.

