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porphyrin - how much is normal?

21 17:30:13


I've owned 4 rats now and they have always had some porphyrin staining on their bedding now and again. How much is too much?

I have 2 rats now and they seem fine, although wanda (18 month doe) seems a bit manic but well. There is also some porphyrin staining on the bedding but just a small amount. She is not snuffly or congested.

Is it normal to have some porphyrin staining?



Hi Amanda

Yes, it is normal for some staining to be around.  Its just something rats have.  Porphyrin is produced by the harderian gland which is located behind the rats eyes.  It is there to actually lubricate the rats nictating membrane  (third eyelid) but it does secrete out of the nasal passages esp when the rat sneezes.  I have one rat that has always had it around his nose, esp when he first wakes up.

Read more about it on my website at the URL below and also see some photos of rats with excessive porphyrin.  If you see it in both eyes and on the nose plus they are not eating well or seem ill, thats when you know its excessive due to stress.

Hope this helps!