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Lump on my rats stomach

21 17:44:30

Hi Sandra.  I have an adult male rat, I don't know his exact age because I got him from the humane society.  I handle him alot and just tonight I realized that he has a little bump underneath his stomach, it's a little smaller then a skittle.  His (white) fur is covering it and when I try to look at it closer he squirms away very quick and strong.  It's pretty hard, but i don't want to squeeze it obviously, because i'm scared it really hurts him.

I'm just wondering if you knew what it may be..
and how expensive it would be to go to the vet to fix it.

Thank you!


It may be an abscess so lets hope it is!!  Try to get a good look at and see if there is a scab or even a pit or small crater. If you can, make a warm compress and put it on your lap, put rat on it too and let him lick baby food or something to keep him still on the compress. Do this a few times a day to see if this comes to a head.

If it is a tumor, prices for surgery vary from vet to vet but the national average so far is anywhere from $100 to $300 depending on such things as how much care is given. If the vet keeps the rat overnight for a day or two, it would be on the high side, stuff like that. In fact I prefer the latter and feel the rat, in some cases, needs special close attention after surgery and should remain there for ass long as they need care. Again, it all depends on many  factors.

Anyhow, I am crossing fingers its an abscess and all you will need to do is clean it out a few times a day, apply some antibiotic cream to it after irrigating it with saline solution and it should clear right up. Lets just hope its that simple!