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my 10 wk old baby rats sneeze.

21 17:45:31

my baby rats sneeze every so often, is this normal? i have heard about respiratory dsorders and im worried about them, im using paper safe bedding and litter made from cellulose.they seem healthy and fine in every other way.

 If they are dry sneezes, not repetitive, and not excessive, they are probably all right.  It's normal for rats to sneeze a little bit, just like any animal or person, but when they sneeze a lot of times per day, do many sneezes in a row, or they are accompanied by other signs, it may be a symptom of respiratory illness.  If you've just gotten them, it could be 'stress sneezes' from the stress of switching homes and will likely go away within a week or two.

 At this point I wouldn't be too worried about it, but if you notice any other symptoms of respiratory illness such as red discharge around the eyes or nose, wheezing, rattling in the lungs, listlessness, weight loss, or lack of appetite, or if you are concerned the sneezing may be excessive, a visit to the vet is in order.  Often with a minor respiratory infection it is easy to treat with a single course of antibiotics.

 I hope that answers your question, good luck with your rats!  For more information on rat care please visit my website at