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post-neuter question

21 17:34:51

QUESTION: Hi Sandra,

I wrote to you a while back about my two hairless/rex boys Zack & Cody.  Zack had become a bit aggressive.  I opted to have both of them neutered on 12-24.  Things went pretty well but last night I noticed a bluish lump  on Cody in the scrotal area plus Zack has been cleaning himself intently and has developed a scab in his scrotal area too although it doesn't look lumpy.  Is this still just part of the healing process or are they starting to get abscesses?  I can't get in to see the vet until Friday...should I be trying to find a different vet to see them sooner?  I live in VT.

Yep I remember the boyz!  Were they put on antibiotics after surgery?

Sounds like a scrotal abscess that occurs after a scrotal neuter, which is why I like the old fashioned way, through the abdomen. They are more prone to scrotal abscesses esp if they were not given antibiotics post op.

Unfortunately, it is really tough to find an exotic vet, esp in smaller states. There are only a few I have found!  Do you live near another state?

Grand Isle Veterinary Hospital
40 Simms Point Road
Grand Isle, Vermont 05458
Telephone: 802.372.5430


Poultney Veterinary Services
330 E Main St
Poultney, VT 05764-1127
(802) 287-9292

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Unfortunately we don't live close to anything!  I'll have to see how far a drive the two above are.  No, they weren't given antibiotics...the vet said it wasn't needed.  Hmmmmm, sure wish I'd insisted.  Thanks for your help.

The vet was wrong. What else is new huh?  No matter what, they will need this taken care of so the vet is going to have to give them something.

I just do not understand why these vets INSIST on  going against normal protocol?!

It is a a normal part of the recovery process after a scrotal neuter in rats!!  The problem is,as usual, the  non exotic vet is comparing the rat to dogs and cats who usually do NOT get antibiotics after a neuter. They always  tend to treat rats like their canine and feline patients.

You will have to call the vet tomorrow and insist on  medication. I am scared to even asked if the poor thing was given pain medication which I doubt too, even though scrotal neuters cause  some pretty severe cramping for the first 2 days post op.  

If the vet is male, ask him how he would like it if his testicles were removed and he wasnt given anything for pain or anything to prevent infection.  See if he tries to say its different for rats, because it isnt. They are still testicles, they are still very sensitive, they still have an incision that is stitched and they still need to heal from all of this.