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my pet rat has a swelling on his face

21 17:16:39

hi i have a 1year+ old male rat. resently ive descovered a lump on the side of his face. its on the left side on the mussel inbetween his eye and ear its about as wide as a 5p coin.  hes eating and drinking well and dosent seem to be off balence or dissy. what could it be and what price is treatment likely to be roughly thank you

Is it soft and squishy or is it solid? Can you move it around or is it anchored?

It could be a cyst, abscess or tumor. A cyst or abscess can be easily treated, and usually present with soft, squishy outsides and sometimes feel to have a hard, marble-like center. Tumors are usually hard through and through, although some display with a soft and squishy feeling as well. The best thing you can do is get him into a vet and have it aspirated to find out what exactly it is and begin treatment. I'm not sure where you live, so I can't give you an estimate as to what most vet prices are in your area. Depending on what this lump is, treatment varies and so does the price.