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Hairless Rat Care

21 17:35:34

I am considering getting a careless rat and i have been doing a lot of research about them. But everything i read has a different opinion in bedding. so my question is: To your knowledge what is the best bedding to use in the cage of a hairless rat. Also is it ok for me to use my old guinea pig cage for it if i add some levels to it. The bottom is plastic and there are bars that are a little less thatn an inch apart. Thanks!

Yes that cage will do fine as long as she cannot fit through the bars.

The bedding I would use would be aspen or carefresh but I would limit it to a litter box rather than scatter it all over the floor of the cage.

What have you read about bedding that anyone said isnt good for hairless rats?   Rats are rats. Phenol oils should be avoided which is found in cedar and pine and also corn cob bedding should be avoided as well due to the molds that grow so fast. Of course, cat litter should never be used and yes you would be shocked to know many people use it which floors me. I usually ask why would they use something meant for cats on rats.  I never get an answer though.  :(

I love hairless rats. They are not much different than furred rats. They still need a low fat and low protein diet, they still need a friend rather than live alone, they still love to climb and play and hang with their owner...all like furred rats. The only real problem is some inbred hairless rats lack a thymus gland which could wonk the immune system a bit leaving them more open to illness. They also dont have eyelashes which in turn they are more apt to get debris in their eyes causing infection or scratches to the cornea.  This may be what your reading about certain litter that should be avoided.   You do want to avoid dusty litters and it is said carefresh is dusty but I never noticed it. I just dont like it much. I prefer aspen or hemp by lifemate.

Hope this helps!