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mama rat hasnt passed a fetus, babies not living

21 17:01:44

my mama, tierisce, went into labor three days ago. she still has a fetus inside. we took her to the vet when she only delivered a half fetus, and they gave her oxytocin to induce contractions.she passed it, but there were two more still in there. i didnt want to risk surgery if there was any way she would be okay on her own, but its been a day and while she passed one fetus (it was horribly deformed and huge) she has not passed the second and i think its just as large. she isnt really eating which the vet said would be normal for a day or two, but the problem im having is she isnt really moving either, and while she had seven live babies, she now only has two left. im hoping she is producing milk and that she will be able to re-absorbe the last fetus, but if its too large or whatever, should i take her back for the surgerey? i love my little girl and i dont want to lose her.

I am sorry to hear of all of the trouble your little rat is having.  One thing, how qualified is this vet your taking your rat to see?  I am not doubting that he or she is not any good as it seems from what you said that the vet is doing the right things so far, but as for surgery, if the vet is really capable of good rat care, I would think the benefits of surgery would outweigh her not having it in the long run, you could lose her if you dont do it.  How does the vet feel about it?