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Rat Swollen Throat

21 17:29:03

I have a boy rat, Pirate, who is two and a half months old. He is healthy, active, playful and friendly, and just today when I took him out to play, I noticed an odd swelling on his throat, below his jaw- I could have sworn he didn't have this yesterday or the day before. It causes him no pain when I touched it, and it isn't a abscess - there's no puncture or anything. It's simply a little, round mass under his skin. He's eating and drinking like normal.

I will take him to the vet on Wednesday (unfortunately the soonest) but is there any idea you can offer of what it could be in the meantime?


Hi Sam

Give it time, it may still be an abscess. At first, an abscess doesnt have a hole or scab etc...they start out as simply a little small swollen mass and eventually come to a head and burst.  If it came up that fast, it may still be an abscess.

Usually cysts and tumors are not found in this area which makes me again think its a brand new abscess.  Try and I repeat TRY (LOL!!) to hold a warm compress on the mass for a bit and see if it gets soft and comes to a head.  Let me know whats going on.

I hope to hear back from you about this. So often I ask people to update me and never hear again and often wonder what ever happened. The owners usually respond saying they didnt want to bother me! Thats why I am here.....its never a bother!