Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > THE TIP IS FALLING OFF!!! PLZ HELP ASAP


21 17:59:52

I know i seen somewhere on here before about what to do but...some how the end of my rats tale about the last inch has been what looks like skined off teh very tip is already getting dried out. I am not sure when this happened exactly we havent had much time with him other than feeding and changign his cage. And a rat vet is outta teh question...there isnt one for hundreds of miles.....please help ASAP!!!!!!!  

Hi Jessica
I'm a little nervous that a vet is out of the question. If he was bleeding, or having a major injury, like a broken leg, you'd have to take him somewhere... even a cat vet would be okay.

But, the thing you describe is called "gloving", and it's common in rats that have been dragged by the tails, or have had them caught in doors, cage wires, or have had them bit by other ratties. What you can do to help protect the area is put some neosporin or other antibiotic ointment to the area every few hours. He will probably try to clean it off, but at least some will get into the skin. The are will likely heal as much as it can, and what doesn't will fall off on it's own.

If you see bone, or if there is black tissue, then you need to get to a vet to have the section of the tail removed. If you don't you risk having your rat die of septic infection brought on by necrotic tissue. Necrotic tissue is dead skin and bone that gets infected, and dies. It rots while it's still on the pet. It doesn't matter if the vet is a rat vet or not, she should be able to take care of him.

I hope that helps.
