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Re My Rats Paw

21 17:54:16

Lately my rat developed a limp on her left side in the front paw.  Sha can move all her paws, but this one seems weak and causes her to stumble and roll over. I have budgetary restrictions at the moment and can't afford to take her to the vet.  I gave her a small dose of arnica montana incase it was a sprain, I don't believe that it is a break sicnce she can move the limbs.  What can I do for her.  She is 2 years old.  I think she may be experiencing pain becuase she is "talking" and tried to bite me once (otherwise she is extremely gentle).  Thank you for any advice that you can give.

Hi Paula

Sounds like she has a little sprain. What you must do is for starters, put her in a small cage with no levels and ramps so she has to remain immobile to a degree. If she is kept in a small area she will not move around much and its  kind of a way to give our rats "bed rest" so to speak.  Let her have a little hidey house   full of rags and paper towels etc...and keep her food and water nearby so she doesn't have to walk far. She may seem bored but to have her rest is important for her to heal.
Also, she can safely have childrens liquid motrin for pain and inflammation.  If you can tell me her weight in grams is best if you have a general idea......even a good guess.

You can also try to hold her while you have a sock full or rice that has been heated in the microwave and used as a mini heating pad on your lap

This is probably all she needs...confined for a few days in a smaller area so she is forced to do nothing but chill and rest.  If for some reason she seems  depressed if she is away from her own cage etc...put her back and let her do things on her own...she should know her limits...although rats do tend to push the issue more than any other animal...they are great at hiding pain mainly since they are the most preyed upon animal in the wild.  

Anyhow let me know what her weight may be or even a good guess and I will tell you the dose of children liquid motrin she needs

thanks for caring about your rattie enough to look for help here!