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Info about Pet Rats

21 17:53:17

My pet budgie just passed away, and now I'm looking for a new companion. I'm interested in getting a hooded rat. I'd like to get some information about these rats; what they are like, their behavior, proper care, etc...
I would also like to know what is the minimum size of aquarium/tank I should get (how many gallons)?
Maybe you have some preferred websites about pet rats I could look at, that would be nice.
Thank you,
- Chantal

Rats should not (ever) be kept in Aquariums/Tanks, always in a wire-sided/fronted, solid based cage as found in PetSmart, PetCo, or other pet-related stores. To keep a rat in an aquarium is to ensure a lifetime of respiratory illness. Rule of thumb for space, however, is one square foot per rat at the barest minimum. They're a very active, nocturnal pet so its always recommended to give them as much room as you possibly can. Also, they're a pet that should ALWAYS be kept in pairs. If you're not prepared to adopt/purchase two, I wouldn't get a rat at all -- they're far too lonely alone and generally wind up stressed out, unhealthy and obsessive.