Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My rat is scratching and chewing himself

My rat is scratching and chewing himself

21 17:44:32


Space's front paw and
I'm starting to worry about my pet rat, he's often sat there scratching and he has some scares on his ear from one of his buddies when they had lice in the shop. He's recently started to get scabs, they started behind his ear, the one with the scares, but yesterday they appeared under his chin, on the top of his front paws and I spotted him chewing on his tail this morning. I check him regularly since he was treated for lice just after I bought him but there's nothing in his fur, just the usual buck grease on his bum. I wondered if the chewing could be a result of diet or maybe boredom? any ideas would be very welcome!!


It could be his diet if its high protein. This often causes skin problems.

What does he eat on a daily basis?

ALso, how in the world do you get those images on here? I would like to be able to post images here too but am totally clueless so I am asking YOU a question too!  :)
