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2 questions

21 17:29:55

Q1: Hi, I have two male rats (Taz & Wilbert) I got them both at the same time
about 3 months ago they get along perfectly fine during the day and they are
affectionate toward each other but at night sometimes Taz(bigger) and
Wilbert(smaller) will have tiffs Wilbert will scream bloody murder but he never
seems to have a scratch on him and after the fights over they go back to
grooming eachother.. is this normal?
Q2: Taz has coarser fur and Wilber has softer fur, they both shed a little but
Wilbert seems to shed more I didn't notice until I was wearing a black
sweatshirt and Wilbert was crawling all over me ... hes not shedding to the
point where his fur is really thin and he doesn't have any bald spots but
should I be concerned about the shedding?

Thanks so much,
Kayla, Taz and Wilbert

Hi Kayla

How old are the boys, for starters?  Are they from the same litter and are they the same age?  When you said Wilber has softer fur and Taz has fur that is more coarse, it made me wonder if Wilber is younger than Taz since male fur usually is softer until they start to get older and they shed the soft fur and the new fur that comes in and it is more coarse as they age.

So that was question #2 for you and now for the first question:  I had to chuckle because it reminded me of my two boys that I had before.  Templeton is gone now after living for 3 years and 6 months, and he was an occasional grumpy, but most of his life he was a very vocal rat, screaming and squeaking about everything!  His brother, Bo would just try to groom Temps and he would act like has clawing him to death.  
They cuddled in a ball together and looked for each other at night so they could snuggle up and sleep all night. So long story longer, its safe to say this is totally normal.